Stringfellow, Alan B. Through The Bible In One Year. Hensley Publishing.
The Holy Bible (King James and New King James versions only)
Course Required Book List 2019-2020
BS102 Old Testament survey
Stringfellow, Alan B. Through The Bible In One Year. Hensley Publishing.
The Holy Bible (King James and New King James versions only)
BS200 How To Study Your Bible
Arthur, Kay. How to Study Your Bible: Discover the Life-Changing Approach to God's Word. Harvest House Publishers, 1994.
The Holy Bible
BS200 how to study your bible workbook
Arthur, Kay. Workbook: How to Study Your Bible: Discover the Life-Changing Approach to God's Word. Harvest House Publishers, 1994.
BS202 bible characters II
Stringfellow, Alan B. Great Characters of the Bible. Virgil Hensley Publishing. Tulsa, MA, 2007, 2014.
hi200 The history of the black pentecostal church
Yong, Amos and Alexander, Estrelda Y. Afro-Pentecostalism: Black Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity in History and Culture.
Mn100 preparing for Christian ministry
Harman, Allan. Preparation for Ministry. Versa Press, 2015.
The Holy Bible - *New International Version (King James, New Revised Standard Version and Message Bible as well)
mn100 preparing for christian ministry...continued
Wiersbe, Warren W., and David Wiersbe. 10 Power Principles for Christian Service. Baker Books, Grand Rapids, MI, 2007.
PL225 Praying the names of god
Spangler, A. Praying the Names of God. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
pl255 job redesign (crafting): repurpose your career
Cobb, Dale. Take This Job and Shape It - A Strengths Based Guide to Changing Your Job Without Changing Jobs. Career Media Publishing, 2017.
Pl260 jehova ropha - Christ The Healer
Bosworth, F. Christ the Healer. Chosen Books, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2008.
pl260 jehova ropha - Christ the healer...continued
Straughan, W. God Wants You Healed. Walt Straughan Ministries, Staunton, VA, 2011.
PR201 Homiletics i (UPDate in progress)
Goodwin, Bennie E. The Effective Preacher. Goodpatrick Publishers,
pr201 Homiletics 1...continued (Update in progress)
Johnson, James Weldon. God’s Trombones. The Viking Press, Inc.,
pr201 homiletics 1...continued (Update in progress)
Twiggs, Rita L. Preach Woman Preach. VIP Publishing,
th200 pneumatology: holy Spirit i
Morris Robert. The God I Never Knew: How Real Friendship with the Holy Spirit Can Change Your Life. WaterBrook Press, 2013.
th203 principles of leadership
Maxwell, John. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2998 and 2007. ISBN-9780785288374