Course Required Book List 2019-2020

  • BS102 Old Testament survey

    Stringfellow, Alan B. Through The Bible In One Year. Hensley Publishing.

    The Holy Bible (King James and New King James versions only)

  • BS200 How To Study Your Bible

    Arthur, Kay. How to Study Your Bible: Discover the Life-Changing Approach to God's Word. Harvest House Publishers, 1994. 

    The Holy Bible

    • King James Version
    • New International Version
    • NASB (The New Inductive Study Bible). Harvest House Publishers, 2013
  • BS200 how to study your bible workbook

    Arthur, Kay. Workbook: How to Study Your Bible: Discover the Life-Changing Approach to God's Word. Harvest House Publishers, 1994.

  • BS202 bible characters II

    Stringfellow, Alan B. Great Characters of the Bible.  Virgil Hensley Publishing. Tulsa, MA, 2007, 2014.

  • hi200 The history of the black pentecostal church

    Yong, Amos and Alexander, Estrelda Y.  Afro-Pentecostalism: Black Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity in History and Culture

  • Mn100 preparing for Christian ministry

    Harman, Allan. Preparation for Ministry.  Versa Press, 2015.

    The Holy Bible - *New International Version (King James, New Revised Standard Version and Message Bible as well) 

  • mn100 preparing for christian ministry...continued

    Wiersbe, Warren W., and David Wiersbe. 10 Power Principles for Christian Service. Baker Books, Grand Rapids, MI, 2007.

  • PL225 Praying the names of god

    Spangler, A. Praying the Names of God. Grand Rapids, Michigan.

  • pl255 job redesign (crafting): repurpose your career

    Cobb, Dale. Take This Job and Shape It - A Strengths Based Guide to Changing Your Job Without Changing Jobs. Career Media Publishing, 2017.

  • Pl260 jehova ropha - Christ The Healer

    Bosworth, F.  Christ the Healer. Chosen Books, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2008.

  • pl260 jehova ropha - Christ the healer...continued

    Straughan, W. God Wants You Healed. Walt Straughan Ministries, Staunton, VA, 2011.

  • PR201 Homiletics i (UPDate in progress)

    Goodwin, Bennie E. The Effective Preacher. Goodpatrick Publishers, Atlanta GA, 2003.

  • pr201 Homiletics 1...continued (Update in progress)

    Johnson, James Weldon. God’s Trombones. The Viking Press, Inc., New York City, NY, 1927.

  • pr201 homiletics 1...continued (Update in progress)

    Twiggs, Rita L. Preach Woman Preach. VIP Publishing, Grand Prairie, TX, 2005.

  • th200 pneumatology: holy Spirit i

    Morris Robert. The God I Never Knew: How Real Friendship with the Holy Spirit Can Change Your Life. WaterBrook Press, 2013.

  • th203 principles of leadership

    Maxwell, John. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2998 and 2007.  ISBN-9780785288374