
Dear Student:

We greet you in the precious name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to Calvary Bible Institute.  We are delighted that you have considered our Institute as the vehicle to assist you in learning more of the Word of God and in strengthening your walk with Him.  You will find that our curriculum is both challenging and rewarding.

We have an anointed staff of qualified instructors who are committed to the task of helping you grow in the Lord.  Our foundation is based on the Word of God and we strive to study to show ourselves approved unto God  (II Timothy 2:15).

In St. Matthew 20:27-28, Jesus said, “And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant.  Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.”  As pastors, we are committed to servant-leadership.  In like manner, Calvary Bible Institute is committed to training men and women for Kingdom service that may be local, national, or worldwide. We understand that ministry is not confined to the pulpit, but it extends beyond the four walls of the church building.  Therefore, our goal is to equip you with the necessary tools to minister the gospel of Jesus Christ into the uttermost parts of the earth.  The Great Commission in St. Matthew 28:19-20 admonishes us to do so.

Once again, we sincerely welcome and thank you for choosing Calvary Bible Institute. May God continue to add His richest blessings upon your life as you grow in Him.

Because of Calvary,

Archbishop Alfred A. Owens, Jr., D. Min.

Co-Pastor Susie C. Owens, D.Min.

  • archbishop alfred a. owens, jr., d.min


    Greater Mt. Calvary Holy Church, Senior Pastor

    Mt. Calvary Holy Church of America, Presiding Prelate Washington, DC

    Howard University Professor Washington DC

  • co-pastor susie owens, d.min


    Greater Mt. Calvary Holy Church, Co-Pastor

    Washington, DC